
Template in a SVG context does not have any content

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In Polymer, we had an issue where our <template is="dom-repeat"> and <template is="dom-if"> were not compatible in a SVG context (Polymer/polymer#1976). We are working on a fix in Polymer/polymer#5135, but have hit an issue with the template element in a SVG context.

Please see the following reproduction case: http://jsbin.com/dufavefufu/edit?html,console,output Whenever a template element is included inside an svg element (or in general in the SVG namespace), the template element has no content. Instead, the template element does have childNodes. Our "fix" is therefore the following:

function replaceNamespacedTemplate(template) {
  if (!template.content && template.namespaceURI !==
      document.documentElement.namespaceURI) {
    const htmlTemplate = /** @type {HTMLTemplateElement} */
    while (template.firstChild) {
    template.parentNode.replaceChild(htmlTemplate, template);
    return htmlTemplate;
  return /** @type {HTMLTemplateElement} */ (template);

Here we detect that the namespace of the template we are iterating over is not the HTML namespace. Then we create a regular template in the HTML namespace and move over all children of the original "broken" template into the new template. This works, as the original children are parsed in the SVG namespace and will therefore be correctly constructed.

However, we are not sure whether this is actually proper behavior. Is it expected behavior to patch up the template element in a different namespace in this way? In any case, our expectation was that the template inside a svg has a content property which contains the DOM Nodes constructed in the correct namespace.

We would like to get this behavior clarified (and potentially specced), as we could not find any mention of expected behavior in the current specification. We would like to prevent shipping code like this if it would rely on wrong behavior.

CC @sorvell @kevinpschaaf @azakus

Originall filed in WICG/webcomponents#744

So as noted in the previous issue, this behavior is clear and well-specced.

Is this issue really a feature request for a new SVG templating feature that does not require using foreignObject?

@domenic Thanks for your response. Yes it is probably a feature request. @kevinpschaaf helped me and opened the issue to start that discussion in #3563.