
Corsica does reject origins that are not allowed, only logs a warning

DevonPeroutky opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected Behavior

When a request comes in from an origin not specified in origins:, the Corsica.Router rejects the request with a 403 (or another error code)

Actual Behavior

I see the following log

[warn] Simple CORS request from Origin "file://peak-electron-app" is not allowed

And then the request executes successfully

My code:

defmodule MyApp.CORS do
  use Corsica.Router,
      origins: [
#        "file://peak-electron-app",
      allow_credentials: true,
      allow_headers: ["accept", "content-type", "x-requested-with"],
      allow_methods: :all,
      log: [rejected: :warn, invalid: :warn, accepted: :info]

  # TODO: Fix this
  resource "/*"
defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app

  plug MyApp.CORS
  plug Plug.MethodOverride
  plug Plug.Head
  plug Plug.Session, @session_options
  plug MyAppWeb.Router

As far as I understand, I believe the MyApp.CORS plug is the very first plug executed (but I'm an Elixir/Phoenix noob) so maybe there's something I'm not aware of. Is there something I misconfigured? Or are my expectations of the Plug/Router off?

Hey @DevonPeroutky , do you have an example of an HTTP request that should be but is not rejected by the router you posted here?

So it turns out that this was entirely my fault. I was making the request from within an Electron app and forgot I had configured webSecurity: false, which disables CORS.

Thanks @whatyouhide for the quick response, sorry for the false alarm.