
Returning the object that is inserted or just the ID

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Can I access the row that is inserted

      |> Xandra.execute!(prepared, %{
        "async_id" => async_id,
        "facts" => Poison.encode!(facts),
        "result_set" => Poison.encode!(result_set),
        "rule_set_version_id" => String.to_integer(rule_set_version_id)
    |> play_with_inserted_id

My Table

CREATE table audit_log_keyspace.rules_engine_audit_logs 
          id timeuuid, 
          facts text, 
          result_set text, 
          async_id uuid, 
          rule_set_version_id int, 
          inserted_at timestamp, 
          created_at timestamp,
          PRIMARY KEY (id)

How can I access just inserted data from above.

An INSERT operation returns a void response. You have the async_id there, you ought to be able to read the row with that.

In general, we reserve the issue tracker for issues. For questions, places like ElixirForum are more suited and you'll likely find it easier to get some help there 👍

In any case, closing this as there's no issue with Xandra per se highlighted here. Thanks @sahilpaudel-pe! 💟