
Migration tools for the Forza Football

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Excuse me for opening this. First of all, thanks for the awesome cassandra driver!

Can you share, which migration tool do you using with Xandra in Forza Football ?

I discovered some ecto packages integrated with cassandra, but with longly outdated dependencies.

And very little information (approximately, articles written 4-5 years ago) in elixirforum about it.

So, can you somehow cover this question ? I will appreciate it. Thanks.

Hi @shirokovnv, this package is not related to Forza Football for anything except that it was originally built there.

I would recommend to reach out to @lexmag for something like this (email or Twitter). Since this is not an issue with the driver itself, I'll close this issue. Thanks for using Xandra! 🙏

Thanks for the answer,
I would rather choose to mail mr. @lexmag, but cannot find his email.
Twitter is unreachable from my country.