
FunctionClauseError in Xandra.Cluster.ControlConnection.connected/3 (in 0.14.0)

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I am getting the following error when a failed node comes back again:

(FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Xandra.Cluster.ControlConnection.connected/3
(xandra 0.14.0) lib/xandra/cluster/control_connection.ex:118: Xandra.Cluster.ControlConnection.connected(:info, {:tcp, #Port<0.1150>, <<some data>>}, %Xandra.Cluster.ControlConnection{address: '<IP>', autodiscovery: false, buffer: "", cluster: #PID<0.14271.0>, new: false, node_ref: #Reference<0.497685454.1318322178.180956>, options: [protocol_module: Xandra.Protocol.V4, idle_interval: 30000, protocol_version: :v4, authentication: {Xandra.Authenticator.Password, [username: "<someusername>", password: "<somepassword>"]}....

I saw that this case is not handled here, but it's handled/fixed in the master:


Thanks for the report. Yes, it'll be fixed in 0.15.0, which I'll try to release at some point.