
`startup establishes a control connection and a pool` test is flaky

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In https://github.com/lexhide/xandra/actions/runs/6100320853/job/16554384322?pr=329

test startup establishes a control connection and a pool (Xandra.Cluster.PoolTest)
Error:      test/xandra/cluster/pool_test.exs:94
     match (=) failed
     The following variables were pinned:
       pid = #PID<0.1288.0>
     code:  assert %{cluster_pid: ^pid, host: %Host{address: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: @port}} =
              assert_telemetry(telemetry_ref, [:control_connection, :connected])
     left:  %{cluster_pid: ^pid, host: %Xandra.Cluster.Host{address: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 9052}}
     right: %{
              cluster_name: nil,
              cluster_pid: #PID<0.1273.0>,
              host: %Xandra.Cluster.Host{
                address: {127, 0, 0, 1},
                port: 9052,
                data_center: nil,
                host_id: nil,
                rack: nil,
                release_version: nil,
                schema_version: nil,
                tokens: nil
       test/xandra/cluster/pool_test.exs:106: (test)

I'm fairly sure this was fixed by c43f80c#diff-1755284d08091fbd525f17baa740124d2ca89ac682b9c4fc82a19b678c5c2ad7R4. 🙃 Closing for now, I'll reopen this if it shows up again!