TD for Chrome App ?
Closed this issue · 2 comments
This would be great if compatible with the TD chrome app that may well be the same as the web app now that they invested time refactoring both as one and the web/chrome app being the future direction now that the Air etc. versions are tagged as deprecated in May. I will keep a watch out in case you can be bothered to look into it. Perhaps your code is factored such that it could even be included into the existing js app by following a readme ? ;-)
It is possible, by appending this code, to the code of the extension. As the code for TweetDeck's Chrome extension is stored on your hard drive. Unfortunately each time TweetDeck is updated the appended code will be wiped. And TweetDeck is updated a lot so in reality it is not practical.
Thanks, I understand.
Ok, so i took a look, tried appending the latest branch, and i got it to work, nice mod..!
There are some considerations here that id rather not air publicly, so i'll add you as friend for a pm ;)