
Error: SDL not configured with OpenGL/GLX support

rcv11x opened this issue · 7 comments

rcv11x commented

I'm on Ubuntu and when I run ./Alber Mario Kart 7.3ds I get this error:

[FATAL] Error creating window: SDL not configured with OpenGL/GLX support.




  • i5 10400
  • 8gb

I'd recommend trying to build from source if you downloaded the build in releases, haven't figured out how to do portable Linux builds yet

rcv11x commented

Okay, I just compiled it from source like this, I hope I didn't make a mistake:

git clone https://github.com/wheremyfoodat/Panda3DS --recursive
cd Panda3DS && mkdir build && cd build

and now how would it be executed?



Okay, I just compiled it from source like this, I hope I didn't make a mistake:

git clone https://github.com/wheremyfoodat/Panda3DS --recursive
cd Panda3DS && mkdir build && cd build

and now how would it be executed?



You have not compiled the code yet, you configured CMake to prepare for compilation.
Depending on the generator you used (Make, Ninja, etc) you have to invoke the relevant command to actually compile the code.

if you used make for example, type make -j2 to compile the code, and when you're done you will have an executable named Alber in your build folder

rcv11x commented

I'll try it later.

I'm on Ubuntu and when I run ./Alber Mario Kart 7.3ds I get this error:

[FATAL] Error creating window: SDL not configured with OpenGL/GLX support.




  • i5 10400
  • 8gb

Also, due to how Linux works, you need to do ./Alber "Mario Kart 7.3ds" (note the quotation marks)
If you don't, it will consider Mario, Kart and 7.3ds to be different arguments

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rcv11x commented

Además, debido a cómo funciona Linux, debe hacer ./Alber "Mario Kart 7.3ds" (tenga en cuenta las comillas). Si no lo hace, considerará Mario, Karty 7.3dsserán argumentos diferentes.

Ah yes, I know that, I just wrote the problem that way and put the quotation marks in it

Okie okie, just making sure