
DCS crash when clicking on the HMD button while on the ground

Opened this issue · 1 comments

DCS crashed when I clicked on the HMD button while on the ground, with the HUD off (dunno if that's relevant) as I couldn't find how to turn it on. This was with the A/G version of the plane.

Here's the relevant part of the LOG, which I'm also attaching to this report:

2024-03-21 06:24:53.644 INFO    EDCORE (8184): try to write dump information
2024-03-21 06:24:53.646 INFO    EDCORE (8184): # -------------- 20240321-062454 --------------
2024-03-21 06:24:53.646 INFO    EDCORE (8184): DCS/ (x86_64; MT; Windows NT 10.0.19045)
2024-03-21 06:24:53.646 INFO    EDCORE (8184): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
2024-03-21 06:24:53.646 INFO    EDCORE (8184): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007ff8a9071666 00:00000000
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\bin-mt;', symOptions: 532, UserName: 'bozo'
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): OS-Version: 10.0.19045 () 0x300-0x1
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000001666 (VCRUNTIME140): memcpy + 0x356
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000358df1 (CockpitBase): cockpit::ceTMultiLine::class_name + 0x14F1
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000358606 (CockpitBase): cockpit::ceTMultiLine::class_name + 0xD06
2024-03-21 06:24:53.647 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000358c2b (CockpitBase): cockpit::ceTMultiLine::class_name + 0x132B
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x000000000035b8ea (CockpitBase): cockpit::MultiThreading::hint_for_render + 0x124A
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x000000000014e4a4 (Visualizer): smCamera_Implement::getClipRegion + 0x19B84
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000034fc9 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0xB49
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000049ff6 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0x15B76
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x00000000000339c1 (edCore): ed::thread::_get_current_thread_id + 0x71
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000021bb2 (ucrtbase): _configthreadlocale + 0x92
2024-03-21 06:24:53.648 INFO    EDCORE (8184): 0x0000000000017344 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14


Just crashed for me while in the air in the A/G version. Not sure how to find the logs otherwise I would copy mine in too.