
The code for "Auto-Split: A General Framework of Collaborative Edge-Cloud AI" in https://github.com/abanitalebi/auto-split is not reached. I just download from google drive for study

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Auto-Split: A General Framework of Collaborative Edge-Cloud AI


Auto split engine takes a DNN as input and finds the best split point to execute the initial DNN on the edge device and the later DNN on the cloud device to minimize end-to-end latency. Possible solutions can be :-

  • Execute everything on the edge device
  • Execute everything on the cloud device
  • Distributed execution on edge and cloud.
Important note

The code in this repository is proof-of-concept code. It is by no means a production code.

Quantization support

For edge device, it also finds quantization statistics, and bit-width per layer to apply various post training quantization techniques such as :-

  • ACIQ
  • LAPQ
Reduced Transmission cost

At the split point, the auto-split engine parses the DNN graph and collects the features to be transmitted to the cloud device at lower precision reducing the total transmission cost.

Cloud Device

Cloud device executes in floating point precision. image

This figure provides the overview for Auto split engine. image


The requirements.txt has been added for the packages used for this project. Note, that it is slightly different from the distiller's requirements.txt. For anaconda users, an equivalent environment file is also present pyt_13.yml. This project was tested with

Distiller installation

The readme to install and test distiller is present in Distiller installation

Known issues

pycoco tools has a known issue with numpy==1.18. You need to downgrade to numpy==1.17

Environment Set up

The root folder is auto_split and distiller is loaded as a library.

cd ~/edge-cloud-collaboration/auto_split
export PYTHONPATH=export PYTHONPATH=~/edge-cloud-collaboration/auto_split:~/edge-cloud-collaboration/libs/distiller-master

Face detection demo

Image Classification workloads

The project supports image classification workloads from torchvision and has been tested on :-

  • Resnet family :- Resnet-18, Resnet-50, Resnext50_32x4d
  • Mobilenet-v1, and Mobilenet-v2
  • Mnasnet1_0
  • GoogleNet

The readme for image classification models can be found in :- Auto split README

Object Detection: YOLO-v3