
update to 0.47.05

Closed this issue · 3 comments

can you update the plugin pls

It's not a trivial matter for me to figure out how exactly to do this. I need to coordinate with Ben Lubar about the build server, and I also need to sort out which websocket library to use on the windows build, as the current one is rather glitchy.

Since I don't have a lot of time to spend releasing updates, it may be in everyone's best interest to submit this repo as a PR to dfhack.

I'll try to find time to make an update soon, but no promises.

oh ok cool no worries, it is good to see you are still active, I will give forking and trying to update the plugin myself a go then. thanks again for creating this awesome plugin

hey, so as a follow-up to this, I made a script that downloads a Dockerfile I wrote, installs some plugins along with dfplex, builds dfhack, and runs it on port 8765, so it works now: https://github.com/kahveciderin/dwarf-fortress-server

this is my first experience with docker so I probably have done a lot of things wrong here, but hey if it works, it works