
Looking for maintainers

Drarok opened this issue · 13 comments


Mat here, one of the current maintainers of this project.

Given that we no longer use Cordova in any of our active projects, it's becoming harder to give this plugin the time it needs.

I'm looking for some people to help out with the maintenance of this plugin. I can attempt to answer any questions you may have before volunteering.

Please comment on this issue if you're interested.

Hey Mat,

I can't say that I'm an expert in some of the Native work but we use Cordova and this plugin as the core of our main platform on Win/iOS/Android.

My company Github is:
We're a "startup" but we've been around for 5 years so I can't say I'll run it forever but I can for sure say 12 - 24 months.

I'd like to update the ReadMe a bit and merge/test some of the open PR's as well as close out some of the bugs.

I don't have to take the project over but I'd like to at least help maintain/update it...

Sadly I've moved on from White October, but I believe @sampart will be able to help!

Thanks for tagging me, @Drarok. We'll have a chat here (hopefully next week) and get back to you, @DennisSmolek.

@sampart sounds good, let me know

Thank you for volunteering, @DennisSmolek, and thanks for your patience while we discussed this.

We'd love you to help maintain the project! 💯

I've sent you a collaboration invite which will give you write access, so over to you to start looking at the PRs, issues etc. You may also like to revert this commit (and close this issue), unless you'd like more help: 5d6430f

Awesome! Thanks @sampart!


Are you still looking for maintainers?
I'm using this plugin in one of my projects and i'd love to help with any issues.
I haven't done anything like this before, but i'm eager to learn.

Hello, I can also help here!

Let me know if are you still looking for maintainers, otherwise I can submit a PR to update the README

@DennisSmolek - how have you found being a maintainer on the project? If you've found you're not able to give it as much time as you'd hoped, we could ask someone else to take this on. Let me know, thanks.

Hi @allarddehaas and @filipenevola, thanks for your willingness to be involved!

It looks like @DennisSmolek hasn't had as much time as hoped to work on this project, so getting others involved would be good.

In light of the problems that can occur when changing project owner without moving the project to another account, we've got a new approach here - we'd like any new maintainer to fork this project, and then once that fork has moved forward enough to give us confidence in your ownership, we would link to your fork prominently from the top of the README here, encouraging others to use it instead.

As there are two of you volunteering, perhaps you could discuss how you would like to move forward with forking. If you could discuss that in this issue, that'll help with visibility of what's going on. @DennisSmolek, it would be great if you wanted to be involved with the discussion too. I've removed your write access from this repo.

Either way, before you fork - assuming you're happy with the forking approach - we should probably get the Pull Requests on this repository closed or merged first.

Therefore, please could you review the open PRs on this project? I'm happy to be steered by you on the best actions.

Once everything's cleared up, we can proceed with the forking approach.

How does that sound?

@olorton - FYI

Very Sorry, My notifications were muted so I wasn't seeing anything

Any update? It has been a while since last release.

This plugin deserves an update.

To clarify - the option of forking the repo and becoming de facto maintainers, and possibly then getting linked to from here in future, is open to anyone, not just the people who initially expressed an interest.