
Rubycritic Gem installation Failed

abhikanojia opened this issue · 2 comments

Rubycritic gem installation is failing.
Upon investigating further I found that it is due to reek version got updated recently


Reek is now at 6.2.0 unlike 6.1.4 where it used to work fine.


The gemspec for reek is '~> 6.0', '< 7.0'.
You should be able to set your gemfile to gem reek, '< 6.2' and get a successful installation.

The only other thing we might want to do is to push a patch for version 4.7.1 that constrains reek version and/or further restricks required_ruby_version .

Of course the best thing you can do is to upgrade the ruby installation to a version that is still maintained.

This works for me with this version: rubycritic-4.9.0

At the same time I think it'd be a good idea to drop support for Ruby 2.7 and follow reek's lead on requiring Ruby 3.0 or higher. We can continue that conversation over here: #482