
[Parse error on extra json file.] [ws-sbom-generator] JSON parse error.

Justin-Powers opened this issue · 3 comments


I am getting a parse error error for the extra json file. Looking at the json file. I can't see anything that looks formatting incorrectly.

ERROR 2022-07-25 13:11:25,853 4405175808 sbom_generator: Unable to parse file: /Users/jpowers/Desktop/whitesource_sbom/VW6.2_linux/sbom_extra.json

jpowers-mbp:VW6.2_linux jpowers$ ls

jpowers-mbp:VW6.2_linux jpowers$ cat sbom_extra.json
"namespace": "https://esd.actian.com/product/Vector/6.2/Linux_X86_64-bit/Software_Bill_of_Materials",
“org_name”: “Actian Corp.”,
"org_email": "sbom@actian.com",
"person": "person name",
"person_email": "person@email.address"

I am wondering if it is due to person name and person email left generic. I was under the impression, since the ws_sbom_generator is creating the report, I do not have to provide an email or name.

Thanks in advance, Justin

Hi @Justin-Powers ! As I see you used “ symbol in the second line (org_name), but need to use " instead it.
This is an error.

Best Regards,

Thanks, I ma not sure how those quotes changed. That solved it.

closing ticket.