
It's an opensource project I did for the crypto community. Pancakeswap sniping with a very simple set up :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hey everyone,

I built a basic sniping bot for pancakeswap. Simply put, you fill the settings in swapbot.js and it buys the token for the amount you choose when it hits the swap and liquidity is added.

What are the features?:

[x] Buy early token gems with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. (DYOR)

[x] Auto approve fees

[x] Open source, with free node services (Literally don't have to pay anything to run this bot)

Working on:

[ ] Sell bought token with custom gas fee, slippage, amount.

[ ] Sell tokens with your custom increase in price, like 50%, 100%, 200%.

[ ] Demo how the code looks

Code preview


  1. Download swapbot.js and package.json
  2. Download nodejs for your PC from nodejs org
  3. Open the folder in Visual Studio Code and in the terminal type "npm install"
  4. Set the variables in "Variables" at the top of swapbot.js
  5. Input enough funds for fees and purchases into your wallet
  6. Run with "node swapbot.js" command in the same terminal
  7. Free node included!
  8. Stop bot with Ctrl + C.

Successfull 40,000k snipe the other day :)

Code preview


  1. For Pancakeswap have at least 0.5 BNB in funds, as you will need to get some fees, currencies and for the sniping itself
  2. For Uniswap at least 0.5 ETH to get everything working smooth as some tokens you will want to snipe have big slippage and if the transaction fails you 3. still pay the gas so don't waste money
  3. Check new tokens on dextools
  4. DYOR on dextools and see if the token contract you are sniping doesn't have rug pulls included
  5. WARNING This bot is free and I did it as a hobby project. Great starting place for new devs. DYOR.

TROUBLESHOOT If your transaction failed:

1)Your gas price is too small 2)Your slippage is too small (use 30+ for early token)