
I have found an issue that the button does not respond after adding a scheme.

wuliqq opened this issue · 4 comments

I have found an issue that the button does not respond after adding a scheme.

When I click the button[Generate SQL], the page does not respond.


@wuliqq provide please all the input data. any errors in the console?

Hey @whoiskatrin if you can explain me more about the issue here then I would love to resolve it. Right now it not much of understandable what exactly the issue is.

@wuliqq provide please all the input data. any errors in the console?

I have identified the issue. When I add an extra newline character at the end of the scheme content, it causes the page to crash. However, when I remove the newline character, the issue disappears.

@wuliqq provide please all the input data. any errors in the console?

But I don't know why. I also tried https://www.sqltranslate.app/ and the same issue occurred.