is there a wiring diagram for your code please? I am looking at trying to read from two jbd BMS and display combined soc. information... thanks
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The Kicad files include a schematic and PCB design files. This project can only talk to one BMS at a time. To talk to 2 would be much easier with a wired connection instead of bluetooth.
My battery boxes are sealed and I have no access to the wired connection.
I have successfully read them consecutively from my linux box. Wondered if you set the MAC addresses that would be possible?
Thanks- I'll have a look atthe Kicad files- I admit I hadn't thought of looking at them! :-)
As is, the code connects to the first BMS is finds. You could pretty easily change that to connect to a BMS with a specific name. However, it would be difficult to make it connect to both BMS's at the same time. The easiest solution is to just build 2 of them. SOC should be the same on 2 BMS of 2 batteries connected together in either series or parallel. So you only really need SOC from one of them, and then cell information from all the cells.
So I finally have this working as you intended.
I do not need both connected at the same time, rather in sequence...
First one, then the other and looping that way...