
I can't get a bundle on Safari

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps to replicate

  • Use Safari on Mac
  • Open Switzerland
  • Check region (cantons)
  • Click "Start download"
  • Open inspector
  • Find this error: TypeError: form_data.keys is not a function. (In 'form_data.keys()', 'form_data.keys' is undefined) on https://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/spelunker/static/javascript/mapzen.whosonfirst.api.js line 99.

Getting a bundle of Switzerland's regions worked on Mac Chrome.

Thanks @stevevance I'll take a look into this.

This should be fixed in our next deploy. Thanks for reporting!

@stevevance is this still a problem for you?

@thisisaaronland Not a problem now - I can download a bundle, but Safari asks me if I want to store 10 MB on my disk, and that this website is currently allowed to store only 5 MB.

@dphiffer can you see what's up with this?