
Renaming upper/lower case fails

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Case change renaming does not seem to work, e.g. abc to ABC. It was mentioned before, but I do not know how to apply the solution...

BTW great tool I was like searching forever for such a renaming solution via direct access to the names...

Thank you for the bug report - I'm aware this is happening, and haven't found the time (in the many years now) to address it.

I am focusing on my Video Hub App - https://github.com/whyboris/Video-Hub-App - at the moment (though on break from that too for a few years as I try to fix up the house I moved into a few years ago) 😅

I'd love a bugfix PR from anyone who has a simple idea how to address this issue 👍

ps - I'm sure I could solve the problem by temporarily renaming files that only have capitalization changes to some hash and then back to the intended filename, but that feels hacky 🤷‍♂️

Thank you for your reply. It's really not a big deal; most of the time, I don't mind. Your program is very useful to me, as I often need to rename a couple of files without any specific renaming pattern. Being able to rewrite the names in a text editor saves both time and nerves.