
download link broken

GabrielF00 opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm just starting to experiment with this project. However, I noticed that the link on the download page to wikihadoop-0.2.jar is broken. I'm going to attempt to build myself.


Which link are you referring to?

On the download page:

Link #1 - wikihadoop-0.2.jar — Compiled WikiHadoop 0.2 for Apache Hadoop 0.21, 0.22 and 0.23

I was able to build the project myself but it would be nice to have a functional jar file to download because the instructions say that it's available.


whym commented

It looks like GitHub does not support this kind of downloadable files anymore [1]. Since the official 90-days transition period has been already over, I'm not sure how long the other remaining jars to be available here.

Diederik, if this is of interest to users and to you, could you find somewhere to host the package? The file in question was just a result of "mvn package".

[1] https://github.com/blog/1302-goodbye-uploads

@dvanliere - Hello Diederik , I am an Information Science grad student and I would like to use your wikihadoop code. My goal is to compare the pages in Wikipedia against Ontology sets and find out the pages which have matching words from the set.
I am a beginner in Hadoop but I am proficient in Java . Can I get any documentation for your code , so that I can use it further to do word matches against my vocabulary (ontology) sets. Any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated

whym commented

I have set up a (very minimalistic) download page and revised the doc in the above commit - this should work for now.