Client still running after disconnect() in 0.6.9
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Linux Python 3.7.3 mqtt 0.6.9
This is normal production setup that runs well.
The problem occurs when trying to shutdown cleanly
Here is a log:
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [RECEIVED PUBREC FOR] 32
gmqtt.mqtt.utils : FREE MID: 32
gmqtt.client : [REMOVE MESSAGE] 32
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0x50] b'\x00!'
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [RECEIVED PUBREC FOR] 33
gmqtt.mqtt.utils : FREE MID: 33
gmqtt.client : [REMOVE MESSAGE] 33
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0x70] b'\x00 '
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0x70] b'\x00!'
^Csensor2mqtt.SensorController : Client received signal asking to exit
Ctrl-C hit at this point and the cleanup code is run in my finish()
First my callbacks to handle any ongoing mqtt activity if there was any.
sensor2mqtt.SensorController : Stop received, cleaning up
sensor2mqtt.DS18B20s : DS18B20s exiting cleanly
sensor2mqtt.PondSkimmer : Callback cancelled. Exiting
Still in finish() and "await client.disconnect()" is called
gmqtt.mqtt.protocol : [CONN CLOSE NORMALLY]
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0xe0] b''
My on_disconnect callback is called:
sensor2mqtt.SensorController : Disconnected
and back in finish() this is the debug line after the await client.disconnect() so the client is now supposed to be shutdown
sensor2mqtt.SensorController : client disconnected
__main__ : All done. Exiting
So now the main task is done and exiting ... lets see what task.print_stack() for each asyncio.all_tasks() has to say:
Stack for <Task pending coro=<main() running at /home/pi/sensor2mqtt/> cb=[_run_until_complete_cb() at /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/]> (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/sensor2mqtt/", line 88, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 43, in run
return loop.run_until_complete(main)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 571, in run_until_complete
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 539, in run_forever
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 1775, in _run_once
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 88, in _run, *self._args)
File "/home/pi/sensor2mqtt/", line 85, in main
Stack for <Task pending coro=<Client.reconnect() running at /home/pi/venv-heating/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gmqtt/> cb=[MqttPackageHandler._handle_exception_in_future()]> (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/venv-heating/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gmqtt/", line 192, in reconnect
async def reconnect(self, delay=False):
The is still there but the __main__ : All done. Exiting
is the last line of main() so it should now exit.
But the client is still running so it goes on to print:
gmqtt.client : [QoS query IS EMPTY]
gmqtt.client : [QoS query IS EMPTY]
gmqtt.client : [QoS query IS EMPTY]
I think there is an unhandled exception going on in cb[MqttPackageHandler._handle_exception_in_future()]> but I'm not sure how to debug that yet.
This is my finish()
async def finish(self):
# This will wait until the client is signalled
logger.debug(f"Waiting for stop event")
await self.stop_event.wait()
logger.debug(f"Stop received, cleaning up")
for cb in self.cleanup_callbacks:
res = cb()
if inspect.isawaitable(res):
await res
await self.mqtt.disconnect() # Disconnect after any last messages sent
logger.debug(f"client disconnected")
and the end of my main()
await sensors.finish()
logger.warning(f"All done. Exiting")
for task in asyncio.all_tasks():
My bad.
I imported a long-lived django app and inside that app it run another mqtt client which publishes on save() and that wasn't being shutdown.
My logs had:
gmqtt.mqtt.protocol : [CONNECTION MADE]
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0x20] b'\x00\x00'
and later
gmqtt.mqtt.protocol : [CONNECTION MADE]
gmqtt.mqtt.handler : [CMD 0x20] b'\x00\x00'
Sorry for the noise.