Seems to crash when trying to get the type of a UIViewController.
valleyman86 opened this issue · 8 comments
The following code will crash
class ViewController: UIViewController { }
let info = try? typeInfo(of: ViewController.self)
let offsetCopy = self.offset
Any ideas what would cause this?
What version of swift?
Swift 4.2
Not sure if it is relevant but let info = try? typeInfo(of: UIViewController.self) will return nil. The error being "couldNotGetTypeInfo". I assume this is because "Runtime.Kind.objCClassWrapper" is not supported.
Update: I was able to get objC classes to work by adding support for an ObjCWrapper. I am now able to createInstance on things like UIViewController and UIButtons.
As for this crash I think it is related to accessing typeDescriptor (Nominal Type Descriptor). From what I understand in swift 4.2 this is going away right? Anyways I didn't see Runtime doing much with mangledName so I commented that out (I dont need it for my use case anyways). I then set the properties for the class using ObjC runtime if the rodataPointer lowest bit is 0. According to the docs this will be 1 for swift classes and it seemed to reflect that in my testing.
Long story short I think I got this mostly working now. Maybe I can make a PR for this later but I was honestly unable to get SPM working and cocoapods was out of date so I just manually created a new framework for runtime.
Seems after getting an object created and such I still cant set the values of a swift class that inherits from UIViewController. (Same code as above). No error it just doesn't do anything and the values remain whatever they were. I suspect this is an issue with a class that inherits from NSObject eventually cant have its values set the same way... not quite sure.
Further research into this suggest it may because we need to account for the super class when dealing with the field offsets. I was able to detect that the first field is actually perfectly offset at the value returned by class_getInstanceSize of the superclass.
I found this code in the swift runtime (Metadata.h)
unsigned getFieldOffsetVectorOffset(const ClassMetadata *metadata) const {
const auto *description = metadata->getDescription();
if (description->hasResilientSuperclass())
return metadata->Superclass->getSizeInWords() + FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
return FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
I guess the main challenge here is that these fields are only used for swift objects.
How did you fix the support for ObjCWrapper
#36 (comment)
@wickwirew any update on this? I'm running into very simple issues when working with objects, wondering if this is related.
Edit: opened a new issue about this #81