
Error when deploying the code

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C:\Users\xxx>aws cloudformation package --template-file cloudformation.yml --s3-bucket sqs-lambda-poc --output-template-file output.yml && aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output.yml --stack-name sqs-lambda-example --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
usage: aws [options] [ ...] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:

aws help
aws help
aws help
aws: error: argument operation: Invalid choice, valid choices are:

cancel-update-stack | continue-update-rollback
create-stack | delete-stack
describe-account-limits | describe-stack-events
describe-stack-resource | describe-stack-resources
describe-stacks | estimate-template-cost
get-stack-policy | get-template
get-template-summary | list-stack-resources
list-stacks | set-stack-policy
signal-resource | update-stack
validate-template | help

What's the output of aws --version? Looks like an older version of the CLI.

By the way: AWS released a native integration between Lambda and SQS in the last week.

aws-cli/1.10.8 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.3.30
this is the version am using

this is a rather old version. the current version is 1.15.52. please update and package and deploy should work