
how to create costume phising scenarios

christmex opened this issue · 10 comments

hi guys, i want to create a new scenarios costume, how ? please tell me. thanks for your help !

The easiest is to copy a existing scene and modifying it.

i have do that, and install again, but it's not working dude . how? thanks

Can you post the files of your phishing page and the command you use to call wifiphisher?

send me some email , christmex@yahoo.com . and i send you my files phising page . thanks before

hello friend @JetseVerschuren , i send you some email, have you see ?

I have already replied, maybe check your spam folder if you can't see my mail.

oh friend, i can't see your mail . at the inbox and spam folder

you guys wanna share your solutions with everyone else by chance?

I wouldn't mind sharing but i can't find the mails nor remember what even the problem was.

It's not clear what you mean by scenario costume. There are instruction on how to create your own scenario here: https://wifiphisher.readthedocs.io/en/latest/custom_phishing_scenario.html