

tania-ferreira opened this issue · 0 comments

Dear Mr. Hany,

I am a part of the Network Architectures and Protocols research group under the Instituto de Telecomunicações in Portugal. We started to simulate our physical testbed in ns-3 using the model your group developed. However, we are not able to simulate the network accurately without being able to generate a custom beam codebook. By my understanding, the group developed a MATLAB® application named IEEE 802.11ad Codebook Generator that would allow us to generate one, but it is not yet available. Would there be any possibility of providing us the necessary script?

I contacted you a few weeks ago via e-mail to hany.assasa@imdea.org. I am available to further discuss the issue via e-mail if you have any pending questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards.