
ENHANCEMENT: Add ability to scale `Timeline`

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The Timeline component should be able to scale based on the timeline.service.startTime value

Scaled Timelines


Screen capture, scaled Timeline Designs

Updating timelineservice.getTimelineRows()

The following change:

_Screen capture, adding filter with % to getTimelineRow()

Results in the following timeline:

Screen capture, Timeline, with background scaled to 1:2

While the background has been scaled correctly, the RecipePath is not.

Correctly Scaling Recipe Path

When scaling 1:2, we noted that the RecipePath was being placed incorrectly. If we modify timelineservice.getGridArea() we can correct this error.

function getGridArea(){
return this.getGridAreaString([
  hasHours ? foregroundRows - totalHours * 2 : foregroundRows - 3, // Row Start


function getGridArea(){
return this.getGridAreaString([
  hasHours ? foregroundRows - totalHours  : foregroundRows - 3, // Row Start

Removing the * 2 in the first conditional in hasHours results in the following scaled timeline:

Screen capture, scaled timeline with (almost) correctly placed RecipePath components. Note, components that are placed on a half-hour mark still need adjustment

Other Dynamic Values

Not only do we need to filter the background rows and change the scale of the RecipePath, we also need to dynamically set the sizes of each. For the 2:1 scale, we change the timelineservice.backgroundRow.size value from 30 to 60. We also change the .timeline-background > div selectors height value from 30px to 60px. The combination of all of these changes results in the following scaled timeline :

Screen shot, timeline with scaled height values