
jquery.ime.inputmethods.js should be generated automatically

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently the language autonyms and input methods names are duplicated, and can easily get out of sync. It is also extra burden to update those, when it can be done automatically (similarly to

Niklas - do you have suggestions to create an unified approach to sharing language names across various features. I am curious about Santhosh's views on a solution.

jquery.ime.inputmethods.js cannot be completely generated using some script in the current state. There are input methods which serve multiple languages and which languages they serve is not specified inside the input method.

        'lbe': {
            autonym: 'лакку',
            inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
        'lez': {
            autonym: 'лезги',
            inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]

Then the dependency between input methods is also given in jquery.ime.inputmethods.js

'mai-inscript': {
            name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
            source: 'rules/mai/mai-inscript.js',
            depends: 'hi-inscript'
        'mai-inscript2': {
            name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
            source: 'rules/mai/mai-inscript2.js',
            depends: 'hi-inscript2'

If we want to generate the file automatically, we need to move this info to the input method file. It is doable.