
Some IM rule sets should be optional given a source language

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Some of the rule sets should be exclusive, so loading them would exclude other rules sets at the same level. This about the same as happen now. How "same level" should be interpreted (and implemented) isn't quite clear, but right now everything is globally exclusive.

If you live in an area where there are several languages in use, then you probably want the IM rule sets to form unions. In Norway we often write names using chars from the Northern Sami language, which use characters that are not common in Norwegian. The same happen with Swedish, but to a lesser degree. To solve this an IM for a specific language could define the other language as optional.

It could be described as
Given that I write a text in Norwegian
When I set IM rules to any Norwegian variant
Then I want to be asked if I want to add optional languages like Northern Sami and Swedish

With the present menu system this is slightly awkward, but it should be possible to add it somehow. It could be as simple as add rules to an union of rules as long as you add languages that can be merged, and with an explicit reset. If a non-supported rule set is added, then the user could be prompted that the present union must be cleared. Not very streamlined, but it would work.

Perhaps the more obvious way would be to use [ctrl][lft-btn] to select additional languages from the menu. That would make a [left-btn] to select an override of the present union.

In addition it must be possible to remove a previous selection. This mus trigger a rebuild, as some rules might be overlapping.

I don't think this will be fixed anytime soon.