
`rw` normalization non-negotiable for `DiffusionMap`?

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for the diffusion map, by default α::Real=0.0 and this code here to normalize the kernel matrix is not called.

I'm pretty sure the normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:rw) line is non-negotiable. otherwise, the kernel matrix will not have columns sum to one, breaking the theory behind the diffusion map. pretty sure this needs to happen to turn the matrix into a Markov transition matrix. see Sec. 2.1 here. agree? disagree?

I don't think the normalization below is correct, anyway.

        normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:sym)     # Lᵅ = D⁻ᵅ*L*D⁻ᵅ
        normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:rw)      # M =(Dᵅ)⁻¹*Lᵅ

see Wikipedia.
normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:sym) is correct. but then it should be normalize!(L, α=1, norm=:rw). I think this and the above issue can be solved by putting normalize!(L, α=1, norm=:rw) after the if α> 0 (...) end.

normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:sym) line takes the kernel matrix and translates it to L_new = D⁻ᵅLD⁻ᵅ, yes. correct. but then we should make sure the columns sum to one by doing normalize!(L, α=1, norm=:rw). on Wikipedia, D^(alpha) is denoting a degree matrix not D to the alpha power. so this line should be α=1 for the :rw normalization. agree? disagree?

eg on ManifoldLearning v0.9.0, I am working with the simple toy swiss roll in 2D, and it cannot even recover that with many different Gaussian kernel bandwidths I'm trying.

Screen Shot 2023-02-09 at 10 24 50 PM

another bug I found:

decompose assumes that L is symmetric. but it is not necessarily. this introduces another error.

here is my code, which does not assume L is symmetric:

Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 12 11 10 PM

# source https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/gauss/info/project/ccs/diffusion-maps-finite.pdf
function cory_diffusion_map((X)::Matrix{Float64}, kernel::Function, d::Int; t::Int=1)
	# n_features = size(X)[1]
	# for f = 1:n_features
	# 	X[f, :] = (X[f, :] .- mean(X[f, :]))/ std(X[f, :])
	# end
	# compute Laplacian matrix
	K = pairwise(kernel, eachcol(X), symmetric=true)
	# normalize, to be a Markov chain transition matrix
	D = diagm(vec(sum(K, dims=1)))
	D⁻¹ =  diagm(1 ./ diag(D))
	L = D⁻¹ * K
	@assert all(sum.(eachrow(L)) .≈ 1.0)

	# eigen-decomposition
	decomp = eigen(L)
	# skip first (1.0) eigenvalue. sort highest to lowest otherwise.
	idx = sortperm(decomp.values, rev=true)[2:end]
	λs = decomp.values[idx][1:d]
	Vs = decomp.vectors[:, idx][:, 1:d] * diagm(λs .^ t)
	return Vs

I now see that the current setup of fit(DiffMap, ...) would only pass a symmetric matrix.

anyway, is a PR welcome with three changes:

  1. make sure L is a right-stochastic matrix.
    # normalize it
    if α > 0
        normalize!(L, α=α, norm=:sym)     # L̃ = D⁻ᵅ*L*D⁻ᵅ
    # random walk
    normalize!(L, norm=:rw)      # M =(D̃)⁻¹ * L̃
  1. change decompose call to use skipfirst=true. need to skip first, constant eigenvector. pretty sure current setup of skipfirst=false is incorrect.
  2. change very dangerous decompose function which converts any matrix into a symmetric one (even if it is not) for eigendecomposition, to handle non-symmetric L.

I'm reasonably confident the current set-up is broken since it cannot even handle the 2D S-shaped curve. my diffusion map code is able to beautifully recover the S-shaped curve.


Just ran into the same issue and came to check if someone noticed the skipfirst=false in the source. Good catches @SimonEnsemble

here is our implementation of diffusion maps we're using for a project.