
React wrappers for Ditto for easy integration using both components or hooks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Wrapper Library for Ditto

TypeScript example workflow

This is a React wrapper library for Ditto.

Currently, this project works in a web browser environment. This project will soon have support for NodeJS, and Electron and React Native environments. If you're interested in React Native please send us an email at contact@ditto.live


  1. Install this library with npm or yarn:
npm install @dittolive/ditto @dittolive/react-ditto

or with yarn

yarn add @dittolive/ditto @dittolive/react-ditto
  1. At the top level of your react app, wrap it with any of the context providers provided: DittoProvider or DittoLazyProvider, like so:
<DittoProvider setup={createDittoInstance}>
  {({ loading, error }) => {
    if (loading) return <span>Loading Ditto...</span>;
    if (error)
      return (
        <span>There was an error loading Ditto. Error: {error.toString()}</span>
    return <App />;

At this point you're ready to build your Ditto app using all of the helper hooks provided by the library. If you want to learn more, read the following sections to learn how to choose between DittoProvider and DittoLazyProvider, how to create Ditto identities, and how to use the hooks provided by this library.

Choosing a Provider

The Ditto React library includes two different context providers which you can use in order to initialize the Ditto context for your app: DittoProvider and DittoLazyProvider.

DittoProvider should be used when the set of Ditto instances that will be used by your app are known beforehand. This is by far the simplest use case where an app uses a single or a few Ditto instances well known beforehand, that can be initialized statically when the app is bootstrapped. In all other cases, the DittoLazyProvider can be used to lazily create Ditto instances, such that instances will only be created if a child of the Ditto provider requires them and the instance doesn't exist inside of the provider.

The API for both providers is very similar and only differs for the setup prop, which returns Ditto | Ditto[] for DittoProvider and Promise<Ditto | null> for DittoLazyProvider.

It is important to highlight that choosing one provider or the other has no effect on the remaining hooks provided by the library. All hooks can be used in the same way, regardless of the type of provider that you choose to configure inside your app.

DittoProvider Example

const createDittoInstance = () => {
  return new Ditto(createIdentity(), "some-path")

<DittoProvider setup={createDittoInstance}>
  {({ loading, error }) => {
    if (loading) return <span>Loading Ditto...</span>;
    if (error)
      return (
        <span>There was an error loading Ditto. Error: {error.toString()}</span>
    return <App />;

DittoLazyProvider Example

const createDittoInstance = async (path) => {
  let identity
  if (path === 'path-1') {
    identity = await getIdentityForPath1()
  } else if (path === 'path-1') {
    identity = await getIdentityForPath1()
  if (identity) {
    return new Ditto(createIdentity(), path)
  } else {
    return Promise.resolve(null)

<DittoLazyProvider setup={createDittoInstance}>
  {({ loading, error }) => {
    if (loading) return <span>Loading Ditto...</span>;
    if (error)
      return (
        <span>There was an error loading Ditto. Error: {error.toString()}</span>
    return <App />;

Creating Identities

Ditto instances are created by providing an Identity object to the Ditto constructor. Identities can be of several different types, and can be created manually as JS objects, or using the identity hooks (useOfflinePlaygroundIdentity, useOnlineIdentity), which also makes it easier to configure authentication for your apps:

const { create } = useOfflinePlaygroundIdentity()

const createDittoInstance = (forPath: string) => {
  // Example of how to create an offline playground instance
  const dittoPlaygroundIdentity = new Ditto(
      // If you're using the Ditto cloud this ID should be the app ID shown on your app settings page, on the portal.
      appName: 'my-app',
      siteID: 123,
  return dittoPlaygroundIdentity
const { create, getAuthenticationRequired, getTokenExpiresInSeconds, authenticate } = useOnlineIdentity()

const createDittoInstance = (forPath: string) => {
  // Example of how to create an online instance with authentication enabled
  const dittoOnline = new Ditto(
      // If you're using the Ditto cloud this ID should be the app ID shown on your app settings page, on the portal.
      appID: uuidv4(),
      enableDittoCloudSync: true,
    }, forPath),
  return dittoOnline

You can find more information on working with online apps here

Quick Start with create-react-app

This is a quick guide on using Ditto with create-react-app builds.

  1. Install this library with npm or yarn
npm install @dittolive/ditto @dittolive/react-ditto

or with yarn

yarn add @dittolive/ditto @dittolive/react-ditto
  1. In ./src/index.js or if you're using typescript ./src/index.tsx setup Ditto with the DittoProvider like so:
import { DittoProvider, useOfflinePlaygroundIdentity } from '@dittolive/react-ditto'

 * This configuration is optional for web browser-based react applications.
 * This tells the `DittoProvider` where it should load the .wasm file. If no path is provided (ie. initOptions is undefined),
 * the wasm will be loaded from our CDN.
const initOptions = {
  webAssemblyModule: "/ditto.wasm",

/** Example of a React root component setting up a single ditto instance that uses a development connection */
const RootComponent = () => {
  const { create } = useOfflinePlaygroundIdentity()
  return (
      setup={() => new Ditto(create({ appName: 'my app', siteID: 1234 }, '/foo'))} 
      /*initOptions={initOptions} */
      {({ loading, error }) => {
        if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>;
        if (error) return <p>{error.message}</p>;
        return <App />;

    <RootComponent />
  1. In your App component, you can now use hooks like usePendingCursorOperation or usePendingIDSpecificOperation to get your documents like so:
import { usePendingCursorOperation, useMutations } from "@dittolive/react-ditto";

export default function App() {
  const { documents, ditto } = usePendingCursorOperation({
    collection: 'tasks',

  const { updateByID, insert } = useMutations({ collection: 'tasks' })

  return (
      {documents.map(doc => (
        <li key={doc._id}>

Alternatively, you can also choose to go with the lazy variants of these hooks (useLazyPendingCursorOperation and useLazyPendingIDSpecificOperation), ir order to launch queries on the data store as a response to a user event:

import { usePendingCursorOperation, useMutations } from "@dittolive/react-ditto";

export default function App() {
  const { documents, ditto, exec } = useLazyPendingCursorOperation();
  if(!documents?.length) {
    return <button onClick={() => exec({ collection: 'tasks' })}>Click to load!</button>
  return (
      {documents.map(doc => (
        <li key={doc._id}>

Working with Online apps

Using the Portal you can create apps that sync to the cloud. These apps must be created with an onlineWithAuthentication identity type, for which the useOnlineIdentity hook can be used. The useOnlineIdentity hook helps you create online Ditto instances that sync with the cloud, following these steps:

/** Example of a React root component setting up a single ditto instance that uses a development connection */
const RootComponent = () => {
  const { create, getAuthenticationRequired, getTokenExpiresInSeconds, authenticate } = useOnlineIdentity()
  return (
          setup={() => new Ditto(create({ appID: 'your-app-id', path: '/my-online-path' }, '/my-online-path'))} 
          /*initOptions={initOptions} */
          {({ loading, error, ditto }) => {
            if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>;
            if (error) return <p>{error.message}</p>;
            return <App />;
        {getAuthenticationRequired('/my-online-path') && (
            <div>You need to authenticate!</div>
            <button onClick={() => authenticate('/my-online-path', 'provider', 'some token')}>Authenticate</button>

For Online apps, the useOnlineIdentity hook returns the following set of properties that can be used to manage authentication for your app:

  • create: Creates an onlineWithAuthentication object preconfigured such that the hook can manage the authentication flow using the exposed authenticate function.
  • getAuthenticationRequired: Is a function that takes in the app path for which to check the authentication required state, and will return true if your Ditto instance is requiring the current user to authenticate with the app. You can configure authentication webhooks on the Portal, from your app settings area, in order to provide your own set of validation services for your app.
  • getTokenExpiresInSeconds: Is a function that takes in the app path for which to check the token expiry second, and returns the number of seconds in which your current token expires if this has been reported by the Ditto SDK.
  • authenticate: Function that can be used to make an authentication request for an app given the app path. Requires you to provide the token and the provider name (taken from the list of the configured token validation providers) that you want to validate the token against.

Building this library and running tests

  • Building: run npm run build or yarn build.
  • Run Tests: run npm test or yarn test
  • Generating Documentation Website Files run npm run docs:generate

Running example apps.

Each example project is in its own directory underneath the ./examples directory.