
UI Enhancement: Unused Side Component with No Content

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Title: Unused Side Component with No Content


I have identified a small side component in the website that appears to be unused. It is a minimal component with a color but no content. This component might be a candidate for removal or further investigation to determine if it's necessary for the project.

Component Location

  • Visit website
  • The component is visible on every

Actual Behavior

Screenshot from 2024-01-21 17-53-37
Screenshot from 2024-01-21 17-56-01

Expected Behavior

  • The component may contain some topics hyperlinked to a different page.
  • The component may be used to give everyday facts.
  • If the component has no use it should be removed and a the place should be utilised with something meaningful.

I don't think this is the issue. It is a section which is used for Ads via Carbon. This is not a issue. We can close it. I think so.
