
TestRaft_follower_recv_appendentries_delete_entries_if_conflict_with_new_entries problem

tinymindxx opened this issue · 2 comments

in Test_server.c, function TestRaft_follower_recv_appendentries_delete_entries_if_conflict_with_new_entries my be some problem.

void TestRaft_follower_recv_appendentries_delete_entries_if_conflict_with_new_entries(
CuTest * tc)
msg_appendentries_t ae;
msg_appendentries_response_t aer;

void *r = raft_new();
raft_add_node(r, NULL, 1, 1);
raft_add_node(r, NULL, 2, 0);

raft_set_current_term(r, 1);

char* strs[] = {"111", "222", "333"};

termid of entries in log are 1

raft_entry_t *ety_appended = __entries_for_conflict_tests(tc, r, strs);

pass a appendentry that is newer  */
msg_entry_t mety = {};

memset(&ae, 0, sizeof(msg_appendentries_t));
ae.term = 2;

prev_log_idx is 1 and prev_termid is 1 ,so there is no conflict with entries in log. maybe ae.prev_log_term should change to 2

ae.prev_log_idx = 1;
ae.prev_log_term = 1;

this entry termid is 0, so conflict with previous one

/* include one entry */
memset(&mety, 0, sizeof(msg_entry_t));
char *str4 = "444";
mety.data.buf = str4;
mety.data.len = 3;
mety.id = 4;
ae.entries = &mety;
ae.n_entries = 1;

raft_recv_appendentries(r, raft_get_node(r, 2), &ae, &aer);
CuAssertTrue(tc, 1 == aer.success);
CuAssertTrue(tc, 2 == raft_get_log_count(r));
CuAssertTrue(tc, NULL != (ety_appended = raft_get_entry_from_idx(r, 1)));
CuAssertTrue(tc, !strncmp(ety_appended->data.buf, strs[0], 3));


wonder if this is a mistake or my understanding error? thanks !

sorry, this is my understanding error.

Sorry it took me this long to respond.
I've improved the tests so that it's easier to read.
Thanks for highlighting this to me :)