
Composer package not working

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If I run the php Composer.php from iTerm, with this code

$repo = new Composer();
echo $repo->search('laravel');

I'm getting this:
mkdir: .: No such file or directory
mkdir: .: No such file or directory

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <item uid="composer-search" arg="https://packagist.org/search/?q=laravel" valid="yes">
         <title>No packages were found that matched "laravel"</title>
         <subtitle>Click to see the results for yourself</subtitle>
    <item uid="composer-www-1506374842" arg="https://packagist.org/" valid="yes">
         <arg>https://packagist.org/</arg><title>Go to the website</title>

Fixed by #130