
Rubygems API response has changed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It seems that, with the new Rubygems, their API responses have changed to the point that this workflow no longer “finds” a list of gems to display in Alfred.

Opening this issue so it’s not forgotten, but I’ll try to do the work to fix it up myself & issue a PR.

Thanks Jeff, looking forward to the PR.

Curious; what's the deal with the v1 folder of PHP docs? They don’t even appear to be in working order, since the Class and Workflows classes’ PHP docs are missing from that folder now (and every one of the repo-specific docs has a require_once('class.php' etc.)

If the idea is to leave the previous version of the code available, that’s taken care of by git & GitHub already (last v1.x version is easily available via the 1.43 release/tag).

I ask b/c I’m wondering if I need to update v1/gems.php or if I can just leave it alone.

I am aware. I kept them in a folder so easy reference while working on v2, there are also alternative implementations stored there incase of API changes. They do not need to be updated. Hope this helps.

Ok, cool. I'll leave it alone then, thanks!