
Nothing displayed when no metadata instance exists

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently if there is no instance, nothing will be displayed. This shouldn't happen if you are using seo_models or admin inlines from the start, but it may come up if you add the seo app to an existing project and haven't yet edited any model instances.

A way to make this less painful/confusing might be to add a management command to populate the database with empty metadata instances.

Another approach might be to call the populate_from values with any given models. This second approach might be too confusing, as it would only work if you provide the templatetag with an instance. I imagine working in the general case would be extremely difficult.

Doing both might be an acceptable solution, with maybe even an automatic population at syncdb. This makes a stronger case for the system being aware of which models are being used inline in the admin.

Adding unit test to confirm recent missing metadata instance fix. Closed by 17d6724.