
a maubot plugin to help you manage your community rooms on matrix

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Community Bot

Chat on Matrix

a maubot plugin that helps administrators of communities on matrix, based on the concept of a matrix space. you may want to leverage join to ensure your bot doesn't end up somewhere it's not supposed to be.

should i use this?

why does this exist? there are some great tools out there already that do probably a much better job at combatting spam and abuse on matrix, like Draupnir. this plugin might make sense for you if:

  • you're more interested in basic community management tools (like room creation, user activity tracking, etc)
  • you already are running Maubot, or plan to
  • you're afraid of mjolnir/draupnir for some reason
  • you just really love python and want to contribute to this project

my opinion is that your community should probably be configured with the following restrictions to best align with this plugin's capabilities:

  • your Space is invite-only
  • most rooms are join-restricted to only allow members of your space
  • you have a smaller subset of rooms which are publicly facing, where users can join freely and ask admins to be added to the space

by following this structure, you reduce the amount of surface area you have to spend time defending against spam and implementing censorship rules.

if that doesn't sound like how you want to structure your online community, you might be better off using something like Draupnir or Mjolnir.


please read through the comments in the base-config.yaml for more thorough explanations, but this covers the high points.

greet new users on joining a room

configure your bot to send a custom greeting to users whenever they join a room! configuration file provides a greeting map (define multiple greetings each with an identifier) and then a configuration of which rooms to greet users in, and which greeting message the bot should send them.

Configure a notification_room to receive messages when someone joins one of the greeting rooms. If you just want notifications (perhaps when someone joins the space, where the bot likely cannot send a greeting anyway) set the greeting name to 'none' in the greeting map, and the bot will skip the greeting and send a notification to your notification room.

activity tracking and reporting

tracks the last message timestamp of a user across any room that the bot is in, and generates a simple report. intended to be used to boot people from a matrix space and all space rooms after a period of inactivity (prune inactive users) with the purge subcommand.

supports simple threshold configuration and the option to also track "reaction" activity.

you can also exempt users from showing as "inactive" in the report by setting their ignore status with the ignore and unignore subcommands, e.g. !community ignore @takinabreak:fromthis.group. this is helpful to avoid accidentally purging admin accounts, backup accounts, rarely used bots, etc.

sync subcommand will actively sync your space member list with the database to track active members properly. new members to the space automatically trigger a sync, as do most other commands. this command is mostly deprecated but you may want to run it just to see what it does.

generate a report with the report subcommand (i.e. !community report) to see your inactive users.

user management

purge inactive users with the purge subcommand (i.e. !community purge).

kick an individual user from your space and all child rooms, regardless of activity status, with the kick subcommand (e.g. !community kick @malicious:user.here). this is useful in communities built on the concept of private (invite only) matrix spaces.

if you want more sever action, use the ban and unban subcommands to ban users from all rooms in the space (this action will automatically kick them from those rooms as well). if you've made a mistake, use the unban option, but they will need to rejoin all rooms themselves or be re-invited.

use the guests subcommand to see who is in a room but NOT a member of the parent space (invited guests) e.g. !community guests #myroom:alias.here.

public banlist support

initial support for public banlists (as used by other tools like mjolnir/draupnir) is here! this bot leverages banlists in read-only mode, just have your bot join one of these banlist rooms, and it will cross reference new room members against these lists and immediately ban offenders. there is no intention to add new policy creation features to this bot, as those concepts are probably best left to more featureful tools.

admin/moderator management

set consistent power levels across all your rooms for your community administrators! the config defines a list of both admins and moderators (admins have a Power Level of 100, mods have PL50). running the setpower subcommand (i.e. !community setpower) will roll through all rooms in the space (including the space itself) and attempt to true-up user permissions to match. if you are running legacy rooms not managed by the bot, and the bot does not have permission to send power-level state events to the room, it will return a list for you to handle manually. users who have a PL greater than 0 and are not listed as either an admin or moderator will be removed from the permission list, effectively returning their power to whatever the room default is (usually 0).

room creation

use the createroom subcommand to create a new room according to your preferences, and join it into the parent space. include the --encrypt flag in your command to encrypt the room even if the default configuration is to create rooms unencrypted.

will attempt to sanitize the room name and assign a room alias automatically. the bot user will be assigned very high power level (1000) and set an admin power level (100) to plugin administrators, 50 to moderators. this ensures that the bot is still able to manage room admins. the bot will also invite other users to these new rooms as configured.

rooms created by the bot will have join restriction limited to members of the space.

get room ID

sometimes you need to know a rooms identifier, but if the room has an alias associated with it not all clients make it easy (or possible) to find. this subcommand (!community roomid) can be used to return the room id that a room alias points to. with no argument passed, it will return the current room's ID, or you can pass it an alias (e.g. !community roomid #whatisthisroom:myserver.tld).

message redaction

the bot can be configured to redact messages automatically to protect your users. set censor to either true, false, or a list of room IDs to enable censorship in.

set censor_files to have the bot immediately redact file uploads in the censored rooms. define trigger words in censor_wordlist to flag messages for automatic redaction.

please keep in mind that wordlist-based censorship is problematic and may redact false positives. writing a matching algorithm that is perfect is impossible. consider configuring your community such that censorship need only be applied in a limited subset of rooms.


install this like any other maubot plugin: zip the contents of this repo into a file and upload via the web interface, or use the mbc utility to package and upload to your maubot server.

be sure to give your bot permission to kick people from all rooms, otherwise management features will not work!