
Img not exported

fredrikelmegren opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Heyoo there!

Super cool lib, and great documentation at that! However, I stumble when trying to reproduce the img.pixel demo. However I try, I can't seem to construct myself an Img ๐Ÿ˜….

The Image-guide and docs tells me I can either create one using the constructor new Img(), or the static method Img.load().

Yet when installing via npm and in codepen it seems like Img isn't exported. When cloning the source myself and building the source myself I can successfully import { Img } from "pts"

Cheers and thanks,
/ Freddy

Hi @fredrikelmegren -- sorry for the late response. This bug should be fixed in the latest build 0.10.6. Give it a try :)

Closing this issue now. Please reopen if there're still issues. Thanks for reporting!