
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear

HiFi DeepVariant + WhatsHap workflow

Workflow steps

  1. align HiFi reads to reference with pbmm2
  2. call small variants with DeepVariant v1.4
  3. phase small variants with WhatsHap
  4. haplotag aligned BAMs with WhatsHap and merge

Directory structure within basedir

├── cluster_logs  # slurm stderr/stdout logs
├── reference
│   ├── reference.chr_lengths.txt  # cut -f1,2 reference.fasta > reference.chr_lengths.txt
│   ├── reference.fasta
│   └── reference.fasta.fai
├── samples
│   └── <sample_id>  # sample_id regex: r'[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'
│       ├── whatshap/  # phased small variants; merged haplotagged alignments
│       ├── logs/  # per-rule stdout/stderr logs
│       ├── aligned/  # intermediate
│       ├── deepvariant/  # intermediate
│       ├── deepvariant_intermediate/  # intermediate
│       └── whatshap_intermediate/  # intermediate
├── smrtcells
│   ├── done  # move folders from smrtcells/ready to smrtcells/done to prevent re-processing
│   └── ready
│       └── <sample_id>  # uBAMs or FASTQs per sample
│                        # filename regex: r'm\d{5}[Ue]?_\d{6}_\d{6}).(ccs|hifi_reads).bam' or r'm\d{5}[Ue]?_\d{6}_\d{6}).fastq.gz'
└── workflow  # clone of this repo

To run the pipeline

# create the base conda environment
$ conda create \
    --channel bioconda \
    --channel conda-forge \
    --prefix ./conda_env \
    python=3 snakemake=6 mamba lockfile

# activate the base conda environment
$ conda activate ./conda_env

# clone the github repo
$ git clone https://github.com/williamrowell/hifi-deepvariant-snakemake.git workflow

# create a few directories
$ mkdir -p reference smrtcells/{ready,done} cluster_logs

# drop your reference.fasta and reference.fasta.fai into reference and adjust the path in workflow/config.yaml

# copy or link some data into a smrtcells/ready/<sample_id> directory
$ ln -s /path/to/some/hifi/data/m00000_000000_000000.hifi_reads.bam smrtcells/ready/<sample_id>/m00000_000000_000000.hifi_reads.bam
$ ln -s /path/to/some/hifi/data/m11111_111111_111111.hifi_reads.bam smrtcells/ready/<sample_id>/m11111_111111_111111.hifi_reads.bam

# run the workflow for sample <sample_id>
$ sbatch workflow/run_snakemake.sh <sample_id>