
Timeline Axes

thapachaki opened this issue · 7 comments

Some people need the Timeline view axes inverted.

Is there a simple way to do this? I have checked the html and is not a table but a set of divs.

If it was a table, do the change of axes would be easy, but is not the case.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-01-18 a la(s) 16 51 06

Can you help me, please?
By the way great library, thanks!

Which part would you need inverting? Just the axis? Or the whole timeline?

Thank you for the reply! What I need is that the calendar (Timeline view) looks like the image below:

This is currently planed for a future view. I will let you know when it becomes available.

Thank you very much, William!

It will be great addition

This would be great!

This is currently planned in for the next major version, along with an agenda view