
The Chinese interface does not have the reading habit of adding a suffix after the date.

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Lines 14152 to 14155 in ddb4e88

_options.stText = getDefaultString( _options.stText, "st" );
_options.ndText = getDefaultString( _options.ndText, "nd" );
_options.rdText = getDefaultString( _options.rdText, "rd" );
_options.thText = getDefaultString( _options.thText, "th" );

These are set to a single blank character (space bar) to achieve the following style of removing the default suffix.

The interface for other languages ​​is not clear, but Chinese does not have this reading habit. I will submit a translation PR later to change the status quo.

Can we omit those default holidays?
In other languages, those holidays may not be appropriate.

Can we omit those default holidays? In other languages, those holidays may not be appropriate.

Yes, you can set the holidays manually using "addHolidays()" and "removeHolidays()".

Will be fixed in v2.10.8.

Fixed and released.