Inventory Management API

Here is some info to quickly run the API, about the rationale, as well as instructions on how to validate the solution.

Quick Start Instructions

To Run

First, get the .env, rs256.key and files separately and drop them in the root directory of this repo.

Then do this:

npm i yarn -g
yarn dev

To Test

yarn test

Rationales and Thinking


  • I chose this in case I wanted the quick scaffolding for a UI as well as an API
  • In the end, I didn't need NextJS and could've just set up a plain Node/Express/GraphQL server, which would really be a subset of what I've done in this task

API Framework - GraphQL

  • Chose this approach because I have enjoyed this way of API development so much since I discovered it
  • Could've done the same using REST API but I find it more frictionless to use GraphQL in API development
  • in the ShoppingCentre GraphQL type, if you do not query for the mediaAssets field, it won't run the associated MySQL query which is cool.
type ShoppingCentre {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  address: String!
  mediaAssets: [ID]!

  lastModifiedAt: String!
  lastModifiedBy: String!
  • Example of query of a shoppingCentre without mediaAssets:
query getShoppingCentre {
  shoppingCentres {
    getShoppingCentre(input: {id: 2}) {
      # mediaAssets
  • Performance of GraphQL can be a question mark, but there are ways to minimise any impact - further, the endpoint is B2B rather than B2C, which may mean performance is not as critical of a factor.
  • As always, there are trade-offs to consider - developer experience / speed vs application performance - with respect to the individual application's needs and realistic performance measurements/projections.

API Playground

  • Use this to query the GraphQL API
  • The pre-prepared tabs with queries can be used/modified to manage inventory

AWS RDS MySQL Database

  • Created a AWS trial account in order to deploy a free tier RDS MySQL instance
  • I did this instead of requiring this API's evaluator to download/install MySQL server, import the DB, etc etc
  • The instance is public - you can use MySQLWorkbench or whatever to query the tables/schema directly as part of the validation (in addition to querying the GraphQL endpoint via Playground)

Shortcuts Taken

  • Didn't build a quick and dirty UI - I think Graphql Playground is a way more cool way to test the API than a rough and incomplete UI
  • 365 day token (for authentication) was created for the purpose of running the GraphQL queries without any issues
  • Related to the above point, there is no token refresh logic
  • Didn't pay too much attention to getting it Prod ready nor implement/test Prod build steps
  • No linting/prettier

Solution Validation Instructions

  1. Drop the .env file in the root (this has the relevant credentials, keys, etc) - this file is not committed as part of the repo.
  2. Run this once: npm i yarn -g && yarn
  3. Run: yarn dev to start the server
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 which should redirect to http://localhost:3000/graphql
  5. You should see 3 tabs in the Playground IDE: login, shoppingCentres, mediaAssets
  6. Before pressing the > (Play) button to run a query, there is a bug (in the IDE) where you need to make an edit in each of the tabs (like add a blank line or remove the # comment at the top of the tab)
  7. After you make that dummy edit (in each tab), you can press the > (Play) button and it should show a drop-down where you can select the query/mutation to run
  8. You do NOT need to run mutation login - if you look at the shoppingCentres and mediaAssets tabs, there is a HTTP Headers field below, which should have been pre-populated with the 365d token, which means you're all set to execute the queries/mutations. Although you can re-login, and get a new token, then replace the pre-populated token with the new one.
  9. Feel free to customise the inputs into each query/mutation to see the different results.
  10. Also, feel free to customise the fields returned in a query/mutation (if you wish)