
Can't add txt record with underscore in namecheap

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am trying setup the redirect by adding the dns entries generated by https://forwarddomain.net/.
But when trying to add the txt record, when I enter the underscore "_", the input says its not a valid hostname
What am I doing wrong?

For an example case of redirecting from https://example.ai/ to https://new.com,
the generated DNS records look like the following,
So, from what I understand the value of the host field in the txt record would be "_"[underscore character].
Is my understanding wrong?

I haven't check namecheap but try to enter _.@.

If it still doesn't work, either try asking for support to add the value or use Cloudflare as your domain NS.

Ok thanks for the reply.

I am assuming that this is not a feature/bug that needs a PR, so I am closing this issue