
Adapter code has issues with other USB devices plugged in

Opened this issue · 3 comments

From my testing the adapter has issues being plugged in with other hard drives being plugged in. As many wiiu users use external hdds not only for wiiu games, but also wii games through hom brew (in some cases launching brawl from hdd - usbloadergx, cfg loader, wiiflow for example), this poses an issue.

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@wilm0x42 I know you are having a hard time getting the driver to be compatible with usb loaders, have you checked out last version of usb loader gx? It has an option to hook wii remote debuggers and theres also this repository which looks like has some work about HID components for both wii and wiiU: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/hid/hid-wiimote-debug.c&ved=2ahUKEwiKk7eilIzoAhUnhOAKHVXGD24QFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1BvJ2akSwsE6dV8bZzXjox&cshid=1583714515829

@rapito Having looked around, I can't seem to find any such debugging features in USB Loader GX. Are you referring to some unofficial build?
Also, from what I can gather, the repository you linked is a linux kernel driver for the debugging of wiimotes themselves, rather than debugging a wii through a wii remote.
(Sorry I'm super late getting to this)

@wilm0x42 so since version 2.3, UsbLoaderGX added WiiRD Debugger which you can set for all games or just an specific game.

Here's the changelog: https://sourceforge.net/p/usbloadergx/wiki/Changelog/

Here's the last official build that should have that option when you launch the homebrew app and navigate to settings: https://sourceforge.net/projects/usbloadergx/files/Releases/New%20revisions%20%283.0%2B%29/USBLoaderGX%20r1272.7z/download

However I think you need a Usb Gecko to be able to use WiiRD Debugging.

And you are right about the link I sent, it's a linux repo, my bad.

Edit: Found this for debugging without USB Gecko