Docker container for running LexMapr
The LexMapping can be run from the docker cotainer using a single line, providing the files are named input.csv and config.json.
Move these two files into a directory on the localhost which can be mounted to the docker container.
The container and lexmapr command are then executed together using;
docker run --name lexmapr -v <LOCAL_DIR>:/data wilsontom/lexmapr-docker
- This is will create an output.tsv file in the <LOCAL_DIR>
cat <LOCAL_DIR>/output.tsv
Sample_Id Sample_Desc Cleaned_Sample Matched_Components
small_simple1 Chicken Breast chicken breast ['breast:uberon_0000310']
small_simple2 Baked Potato baked potato ['potato (whole, baked):foodon_03302196']
small_simple3 Canned Corn canned corn ['corn (canned):foodon_03302665']
small_simple4 Frozen Yogurt frozen yogurt ['frozen:pato_0001985']
small_simple5 Apple Pie apple pie ['apple pie:foodon_00002475']
Currently the options for running lexmapr are
-p ifsac --no-cache
These settings cab be easily changed by editing the