
Updating esbuild version

juancampa opened this issue · 2 comments

Our current version of esbuild es getting a bit old. As of today it sits aroud ~800 commits behind upstream. Any plans to update it?

@wilsonzlin if you post a general guideline on how you generated esbuild-lib I can help you keep it up-to-date.

I've just updated it to the latest version 0.12.18. Updating is a bit tedious and I'd love for anyone to help out. There are two parts:

  • Updating esbuild-lib: there's an UPSTREAM.md file in the repo that contains instructions.
  • Updating esbuild-rs (this library): I'll write up something soon, but it should be possible to figure out by looking through the code, which is not that large and mostly repetitive.

Sweet! Thanks a lot! Next time I'd gladly take a stab at it.