
Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression

telenieko opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm currently reading the latest version of the book, and enjoying it so far!!

My console just got full of ugly complaints from Thymeleaf, using Spring Boot 3.0.5 during Chapter 05 I get:

actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "fragments/sidebar-menu :: mobile" found in template index, line 19, col 10. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{fragments/sidebar-menu :: mobile}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.

This happens with all uses of fragments in Chapter 05, all th:replace uses need this ugly "complete syntax" (wrap the current value within ~{}.

The same happens with <svg th:replace="~{${icon}}"></svg>

Thanks for letting me know. I had to to this update in multiple places, seems I forgot in some. Thanks for letting me know!