Preview pane empty
mikepqr opened this issue · 5 comments
My preview pane is empty (i.e. the markdown files contain text, but the preview on the right hand side is blank). I'm using NVIM v0.5.0-d8c69ad (i.e. HEAD at the time of writing). Are there any additional dependencies or configuration steps I might be missing for working preview?
I haven't seen this. Can you provide more details of your set-up? What is your config, where are the files on the disk, are there any symlinks or other oddities like network mounted drives involved etc?
By bisecting my config I figured out the problem: my colorscheme, iceberg.vim.
Corpus renders the preview as VertSplit
, and iceberg.vim has the VertSplit background and foreground as the same color. Result: invisible previews!
So: problem solved from my POV. I have autocmd ColorScheme * highlight! link VertSplit Normal
in my vimrc for now, and I'll keep an eye out for the change mentioned here.
It might make more sense, and seems less likely to cause problems like the one I had, if Corpus uses VertSplit
for the separator between the list and preview, rather than for the preview itself. (Either that or use neovim's windowing features.)
Perfect, thanks!
(Just a nit, but I'd lean toward a different default. VertSplit is decoration so colorschemes are not designed with the expectation it it will be used to render text. It seems more likely than almost any other syntax group to be set up with very low or no contrast between fg and bg.)
Just a nit, but I'd lean toward a different default. VertSplit is decoration so colorschemes are not designed with the expectation it it will be used to render text. It seems more likely than almost any other syntax group to be set up with very low or no contrast between fg and bg.
Just got an email from somebody wondering why they can't see the preview, so you may be right about that. I'm going to see if I can find a different default that looks reasonable out-of-the-box.