
Bayesian video super-resolution

Primary LanguageC++

Bayesian video super-resolution

This is Matlab implementation of a Bayesian video super-resolution method [1] based on [2]. 
Compared with the implementation in [2], this implementation is more closer to the details 
described in [1], e.g., the update of optical flow.

Description of folders

/data: contains test sequneces, and the results produced by [1]. The original data can be 
downloaded from [3].
/celiu_optical_flow: contains optical flow estimation codes, which be downloaded from [4].


1. Before running, please check and change the path for celiu_optical_flow!
2. run mfsr_cvpr2011_main.m
	2.1 city sequence as default, recover the 16th frame in upscale=2 scenario.
	2.2 The recovered image is stored in variable TP.Ik
3. You can change the parameters setting in initParam.m, and run mfsr_cvpr2011_main.m. 
Different parameters result in different image recover quality. 
Just enjoy parameters tunning, and have a fun!


Peng Qiao, Email: pengqiao@nudt.edu.cn


[1] C. Liu, and D. Sun, "On Bayesian Adaptive Video Super Resolution," IEEE Trans. on Pattern 
Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Feb. 2014. 
[2] https://github.com/seunghwanyoo/bayesian_vid_sr
[3] http://people.csail.mit.edu/celiu/CVPR2011/default.html
[4] http://people.csail.mit.edu/celiu/OpticalFlow/