
Latest versions break multiline classes but works with `2.3.1`. Reproduction repo included.

sebastiangug opened this issue · 14 comments

I have cloned the example rollup project in this repo to test if defining classes over multiple lines works.

Repo link:

just run pnpm i and then pnpm dev to start the server

I have found it does not work with the latest versions, but works with 2.3.1 so something must've broken.

Component added in Widget.svelte

  <button class="
   text-white">TEST BUTTON</button>

which when using 2.3.1 results in:


But when using 3.2.0 produces this:


Super strange I have another person having this issue.. but I cannot reproduce it :(

Try to clone the repo above

@sebastiangug check this PR. merge it and run pnpm dev.. copy and paste full output of terminal!!

i have this error too. :\ Don't know why :)
This is result when use 2.3.1
And this is newest version. When i run dev everything fine, but on run build look like tailwind base wasnt loaded. I use svelte kit.
I turn on debug mode and get this

[DEBUG] mainfile: false
[DEBUG] filename: E:/Hoctap/Nodejs/Svelte - Sapper/svelte-kit/src/routes/about.svelte
[DEBUG] called preprocessor
[DEBUG] production, child file, no preflights
[DEBUG] mainfile: false
[DEBUG] filename: E:/Hoctap/Nodejs/Svelte - Sapper/svelte-kit/src/routes/index.svelte
[DEBUG] called preprocessor
[DEBUG] production, child file, no preflights
[DEBUG] mainfile: false

@IRediTOTO use kit: true and mode: dev

@IRediTOTO use kit: true and mode: dev

You mean this config? It not work

preprocess: [
			config: "tailwind.config.cjs",
			debug: true,

Strange. Since you are using svelte kit we do not support this directly. If you give your repo I can take a quick look.
Also you might try vite-windicss-plugin for svelte kit

Strange. Since you are using svelte kit we do not support this directly. If you give your repo I can take a quick look.
Also you might try vite-windicss-plugin for svelte kit

Here is it:
I will work fine with version 2.3.1.
It will run well with npm run dev but error on npm run build

@IRediTOTO i know the issue, and will make a fix for you

you guys can update to v3.3.2 and set your options for kit as following (you can add other options if you need, like devTools or config)

			kit: true,
			mode: "dev",
			silent: false,
			debug: false

you guys can update to v3.3.2 and set your options for kit as following (you can add other options if you need, like devTools or config)

			kit: true,
			mode: "dev",
			silent: false,
			debug: false

thank you look like it work.

@IRediTOTO still if you want more mature implementation with svelte-kit, we do have

@IRediTOTO still if you want more mature implementation with svelte-kit, we do have

i knew it and waiting for full featured like this pack :D Thank you

This can be closed as far as I'm concerned, I've started using vite as I wanted to use that already rather than rollup for various reasons, so now I'm mostly working with the vite-plugin that alexander has tagged above.

Good luck & thank you!