
Usage without build tools and/or JS?

aolko opened this issue · 3 comments

aolko commented

how do i get myself a plain old css styles without using build tool or js in any capacity?

@aolko how about simply writing CSS then?
CSS is no magic language that need compilation.
Open a text file, type CSS, save with .css extension, load in the browser, done. 😄

You can use a pre-processor to help you organizing your style modules or manage design tokens.
I personally don't consider Sass a "build tool" and it don't require node.

aolko commented

I would like to have a good ol' bourbon-like kit of classes to build upon in scss or plain css and not whatever you mentioned, thanks.

You probably misunderstood the whole scope and purpose of this package?

What you probably want is sth. in the realm of Bulma, Basscs or even Foundation or Bootstrap. They give you a buttload of CSS to cobble together, used or not.